
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Goodbye from the class of 2011

This is the last post for this year as we say goodbye from this Year 2 class. We hope you have enjoyed reading about the activities we have done this year. Have a Happy Christmas and enjoy the long summer holidays with your families.
Mrs H will be starting a new Blog for the 2012 class early next year and will add a link from this page to the new one.

The new Page for 2012 is:

Please visit us!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Our Hundertwasser art

We have been learning about structures and have looked at buildings that were designed by Hundertwasser. The buildings were very different as they were crooked and had strange shapes on them. They were fun to draw. We drew our pictures in pencil first and then used black pen over our pencil. We used dye to make our pictures bright and colourful.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

We are Musicians

We love having music lessons. Look and listen to us learning to play the xylophones

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Our art for calendars

We made collage pictures of under the sea. We are hoping our Mums and Dads will order our pictures so they can be made into calendars or cards. They were lots of fun to make and we think they look great.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Helicopter and fire engine art

After the visits from the fire service and police helicopter we drew pictures of them.

The Fire Service Visits Our school

On the same day as the visit from the Eagle Helicopter, we had a visit from the fire service. It was great to be able to go inside the fire engine and see all the things they use when there is a fire. One of the firemen told us about fire safety. He said that if there was a fire we must shout "FIRE, FIRE, FIRE" and

We relly enjoyed our visit from the fire service.

Eagle Helicopter Visit to School

As part of our study of occupations we had a visit from the police eagle helicopter. It was really exciting as it landed on the school playing fields. We had a talk about what they do and see, when they are flying over our city. One of the children tried on the flying jacket and another student tried on the helmet. The helicopter was really loud when it took off and left our school.

Writing time in Room 2

We have an exciting writing time. Sometimes we can choose to write on paper with a buddy, or go on the computer and make a powerpoint story using "communication4all." We write in our books as well and publish our stories once they are edited and corrected. we enjoy sharing our stories with the class.

A Visit from Steve Duval

During last term we had a visit from a artist called Steve Duval. He told us some stories and drew a fantastic picture. When we got back to class we had a try at drawing cartoon faces by starting off with either a letter or a number and turning it into a face or an animal.

Phonics Mat

To help us learn our sounds and our spelling we use a phonics mat. We take a word from the container and step on the letters. The rest of the class sound out the letters we stand on and put their hand up if they know the word.